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* Read the following sentence and its version. Can you find anything wrong/ improper? By irrevocable Letter of Credit available by Sellers documentary bill at sight to be valid for negotiation in China until 15 days after date of shipment, the Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers 30 days before the contracted month of shipment. 以不可取消的信用证,凭卖方即期付有的票据协商,有效期应为装运期15天后在中国到期,该信用证必须于合同规定的装运月份前30天到达卖方。 不可撤销信用证 译为“即期付有单据的票据”,概念不清,票据概念广泛,包括汇票、本票、支票等,在外贸合同支付条款中的票据应该为“汇票”,应译为“跟单汇票” 应为“议付” 装运期后15天 * By irrevocable Letter of Credit available by Sellers documentary bill at sight to be valid for negotiation in China until 15 days after date of shipment, the Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers 30 days before the contracted month of shipment. Revised: 以不可撤销的信用证,凭卖方即期跟单汇票议付,有效期应为装运期后15天在中国到期。该信用证必须于合同规定的装运月份前30天到达卖方。 * Read the following sentence and its version. Can you find anything wrong/ improper? The balance should be settled upon the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. 余款在货物到达目的港后结算。 Note:翻译合同必须严谨准确,原文中upon含有“后一个动作将在前一个动作之后随即或马上发生”之意,必须翻译出来,因此译文存在漏洞,容易被不法商人利用。 Revised: 余款应在货物货物到达目的港后即行支付。 * Read the following sentence and its version. Can you find anything wrong/ improper? Total value: US$5,400,000.00 (Say: US Dollars FIVE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND only) 总价:5,400,000.00美元 Note: 翻译必须忠实于原文,不能随意去掉大写部分,专业性和严密性必须要注意。 Revised: 总价: 5,400,000.00美元(大写:伍佰肆拾万美元) * The carrier’s responsibility for the cargo ceases immediately when the cargo leaves the ship’s tackle and thereafter all risks and expenses involved are the responsibility of the cargo. 当货物离开轮船挂钩时,运送者的责任立即终止,此后的一切风险和费用均和货物本身相关。 Note: 原文中三个“cargo”意思不尽相同,第三个cargo用来修饰responsibility,句子的主语是risks and expenses,根据上下文应该理解成“货主”。 Read the following sentence and its version. Can you find anything wrong/ improper? * The carrier’s responsibility for the cargo ceases immediately when the cargo leaves the ship’s tackle and thereafter all risks and expenses involved are the responsibility of the cargo.


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