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Septal Infarction- 18F-FDG myocardial viability study 74 yr male with acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction with severe LV dysfunction. Stress thallium showed fixed defect in anterior wall, apex and septum suggesting large LAD territory infarction. FDG PETCT performed to evaluate LAD territory viability. PET showed diffuse hypometabolism of antero- apical and septal wall compatible with “partial” myocardial scarring but mostly viable myocardium. Transmural myocardial infarct of the apical and septal area. Integrated CT coronary angiogram shows diffuse coronary artery disease with multiple LAD stenosis and distal occlusion. Significant stenosis of he mid segment of the RCA. Decreased LV function with severe hypokinesis and wall thinning of the antero/apical and septal wall. 展望 一、PET/CT和PET/MR 高灵敏、高分辨 缩短检查时间 提高图像清晰度 PET/MR PET MRI Fusion 二、开展小动物PET的基础研究 Focus with F- 5 beds MicroCAT II 7 beds LR AP LR AP Whole body Bone Imaging microPET? microCAT? Patrick L. Chow MS, David Stout PhD, Arion Chatziioannoun PhD, Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging 谢 谢 * FDG—糖转运蛋白—己糖激酶—6-磷酸-FDG FLT—腺苷激酶磷酸化—不能进一步参与DNA的合成。 * * * * Let’s start with two clinical examples that demonstrate in real life that PET can make a difference in the therapy: 81 year old male with squamous cell carcinoma of the right middle lobe CT scan demonstrated a mass in the right middle lobe but it was difficult to determine its exact size due to the presence of extensive collapse and consolidation ?PET scan showed a large hyper- metabolic focus in the lower lobe of the right lung, which was asymmetric, with central necrosis, but without mediastinal uptake. * * Cc-46- HD vs 3DOSEM * Small lesion detection and excellent image fusion * * 生长激素抑制素(somatostatin)是神经内分泌细胞或许多其他细胞合成的多功能肽,内源性生物活性肽为14环肽。天然的somatostatin在体内被酶所降解,而且不容易被放射性核素标记。Octreotide是一个8肽somatostatin的衍生物,具有和somatostatin一样的生物学特性。采用[18F]Octreotide生长激素抑制素受体显像对于Somatostatin受体阳性的肿瘤提供了高度敏感性、特异性定位和定量诊断的方法;对于筛选特异性肿瘤治疗药物、以及肿瘤临床治疗效果


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