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Definition of Ecology 1866 Ernst Haeckel: the comprehensive science of the relationship of the organism to the environment 1927 Charles Elton: Scientific natural history 1963 E. P. Odum: The study of the structure and function of nature 1972 C. J. Krebs: The scientific study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms Ecological spectrum Biosphere, Landscape, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism, Organ system, Organ, Tissue, Cell, Subcellular organelles, Molecules Branches of Ecology Chemical, Molecular, Physiological, Behavioral, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Landscape, Evolutionary, Theoretical, Conservation and management, Biodiversity Journals: Behavioral Ecology, Biological Conservation, Chemical Ecology, Conservation Biology, Conservation Ecology, Ecological Application, Ecological Modeling, Ecological Monograph, Ecologist, Ecology, Environmental Management, Evolutionary Ecology, Functional Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Wildlife Management, Landscape Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Oecologia, Oikos, Trends in Evolution and Ecology, etc. Methods of studying ecology To understand, describe, explain, predict and control Scale Lab experiment, field experiment, natural trajectory experiment, natural snapshot experiment, mathematical model Ecology of forest birds 5 warbler sp. of similar ecological requirement Feeding zones In the presence or absence of other species Competition and partitioning Energy budget of bumblebee How to keep warm in cold environment? Energy gain for feeding – energy loss from flying, feeding and keeping warm Lab and field studies Number and kinds of flower visited, sugar content of flower Energy loss at different temperature Brown trout v.s. Native Galaxias Fish → Mayfly nymph → algae Activity pattern (lab and field exp.) Habitat preference (natural exp.) Community effect (field exp.) Trophic cascade – effects flowing down from one trophic level to the



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