An Ideal Society Neighbors of Diverse Origins Interact to Create and Maintain Complex Mini-Organs in the Skin 英文参考文献.docVIP

An Ideal Society Neighbors of Diverse Origins Interact to Create and Maintain Complex Mini-Organs in the Skin 英文参考文献.doc

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An Ideal Society Neighbors of Diverse Origins Interact to Create and Maintain Complex Mini-Organs in the Skin 英文参考文献

Open access, freely available online Primer An Ideal Society? Neighbors of Diverse Origins Interact to Create and Maintain Complex Mini-Organs in the Skin Sarah E. Millar T he largest organ in the body, the skin provides protection against environmental insults and dehydration, and is an important gateway for sensory input. In addition to forming an environmental barrier, the skin has evolved to produce an amazing variety of appendages, including scales, feathers, hair follicles, sweat glands, and mammary glands (Figure 1). These organs arise from embryonic skin progenitor cells and endow wide-ranging properties, including regulation of body temperature, and the ability to ?y, nurse young, and attract mates. As the body’s primary frontier, the skin is both vulnerable to disease, such as melanoma, and a source of therapeutic promise, harboring accessible stem cells (SCs) that can regenerate skin and potentially other organs. Mammalian skin contains three major cell types: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0030372.g001 Figure 1. Histological and Schematic Depictions of Mature Skin (A) Hematoxylin/eosin-stained section of mouse skin at postnatal day 28, showing hair follicles in the anagen growth phase; major layers of the skin are indicated. (B) Schematic depiction of postnatal skin showing a hair follicle in the growth phase. Biological processes occurring in the skin are listed and SC locations are indicated. Dark blue arrows indicate the movements of stem and matrix cell progeny; pale blue arrows indicate SC self-renewal. Pink, epidermis and hair follicle outer root sheath; yellow, inner root sheath; green, matrix; red, hair follicle DP; light brown, hair shaft precursors; darker brown, hair shaft; violet circles, SCs; black ovals, dermal ?broblasts. epithelial cells that form a strati?ed epidermis containing specialized intermediate ?lament proteins called keratins; mesenchymal cells that form the underlying dermis and, together with epithelial cells, contribute to



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