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Department stores
Chinese takeaway
Old British brands get a lift in Asia
CLARKS shoes have more cachet with Chineseshoppers than with British ones. DAKS, an upmarket British clothing brand, has two stores inBritain but sells through 43 in Asia. Marks Spencer is labouring to coax matronly Britonsback into its shops, but plans to open 250 new ones overseas. Now House of Fraser, a 165-year-old department-store chain, is to seek more growth and glamour abroad than it can find athome.
与英国消费者相比,其乐鞋(CLARKS)在中国消费者群体中享有更高的品牌知名度。达克斯(DAKS)是英国一家高端服饰品牌,在英国本土仅有2家专卖店,但在亚洲设有43个专卖店。玛莎百货(Marks Spencer)对哄回那些慢条斯理的英国国民感到力不从心,因而转变策略,打算在海外市场中增开250家新店。如今拥有165年历史的老牌百货连锁弗雷泽百货(House of Fraser),也在海外市场中寻求比国内更多的发展空间和品牌声誉。
Yuan Yafei,Chinas joint 92nd-richest person, says he wants to “bring the House of Fraser tothe whole China”. Nanjing Xinjiekou, a department store controlled by his Sanpower Group, isto take an 89% stake, valuing House of Fraser at 450m($754m). A complication is MikeAshley, owner of the Sports Direct chain of sportswear shops (and of Newcastle United footballclub), who snapped up an 11% stake in House of Fraser after Sanpower made its offer. Hisintentions are unclear.
在中国富豪中排名并列第92的袁亚非表示,他想“把弗雷泽百货带给全中国”。他创建的三胞集团所属的南京新街口百货商场,正洽购弗雷泽百货89%的控股权,其市值估价约4.5亿英镑(约合7.54亿美元)。但是动向体育(Sports Direct)运动服饰连锁商店(以及纽卡斯尔足球俱乐部)的老板麦克·阿什利却让这笔收购变得稍显复杂,在三胞集团提出收购提议之后,阿什利抢购了弗雷泽百货11%的股份。目前尚不明了其意欲何为。
House of Fraser is not a glittering prize. It is burdened with debt and a deficit in its pensionplan. The holding company that owns it reported a pre-tax loss of 8.2min the year endingJanuary 2013. Trading has perked up, thanks to online sales and popular own-label products.Last Christmas was its “best ever”. But the layout of some of House of Frasers 60 stores is“not ideal”, says Tony Shiret, a retail anal