Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Structural Study of Bioactive Semicarbazones 英文参考文献.docVIP

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Structural Study of Bioactive Semicarbazones 英文参考文献.doc

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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Structural Study of Bioactive Semicarbazones 英文参考文献

420 Molecules 2000, 5 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Structural Study of Bioactive Semicarbazones H. Cerecetto1, R. Di Maio1, M. González2, G. Seoane1, G. Sagrera2 and M. Millán3 1Cátedra de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Química 2Laboratorio de Química Orgánica 3Laboratorio de RMN, Facultad de Ciencias, Iguá S/N, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay E-mail: Abstract: NMR studies of bioactive semicarbazones are described. Introduction Within our work on the development of bioactive compounds, we have employed the semicarba- zone moiety as a joining function between different pharmacophores. R NNHCONHR NNHCONHR N N NNHCONHR O O2N O N N O O O Knowing the geometric isomer at the iminic union of the semicarbazone group, as well as the N- oxide positional isomer that was obtained in the synthetic procedure, were very important for deter- mining the structure of the biologically active compound. The lack of crystals to determine unequivo- cally the exact structure of the product obtained led us to use NMR spectroscopy for this purpose. Experimental All the experiments were carried out on a DPX-Bruker 400 (400 y 100 MHz) instrument. We car- ried out NOE difference (1D y 2D) experiments at different mixing times in order to determine the geometric isomer of the iminic junction. We also carried out 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR experiments at variable temperatures and EXSY ex- periments in order to determine the N-oxide position. Results and Discussion All the semicarbazones studied were in the E isomeric form. The N-oxide moiety in the derivatives 421 Molecules 2000, 5 of the heterocycle 1,2,5-oxadiazoles was found fixed at the 2 position. The derivatives of the heterocy- cle benzo[1,2-c]1,2,5-oxadiazoles were presented as a mixture of the different positional isomers of the N-oxide function, at room temperature. Acknowledgements: C.H.L.C.C., PEDECIBA. References and Notes 1. Perrin, C.; Dw



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