Construction of the new situation of college students under the guidance system of employment.doc

Construction of the new situation of college students under the guidance system of employment.doc

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Construction of the new situation of college students under the guidance system of employment

Construction of the new situation of college students under the guidance system of employment Paper Keywords: Construction of Employment Guidance System Abstract: College students Employment has become a focus of attention of the whole society, college students employment is a complicated systematic project, the universities should guide the work of employment status and problems. Learn from developed countries, employment guidance and experience of mature theory, research, and explore a suitable for China. To adapt to social and economic development and job market requirements, meet the students of schools and students practical employment guidance system of the road, to further improve the university employment guidance. With the rapid development of China’s higher education reform, accelerate the popularization of higher education, the number of college graduates increased rapidly, more and more prominent employment problem students. At present, our country, and gradually establish a “market-oriented, government regulation, school recommendation, students and employers units of two-way choice, “university student employment market mechanism, but the students of employment is a complex system engineering. The joint efforts of the whole society of human resources at present because the market mechanism is imperfect, and students associated with government employment, social, school, student awareness of employment of college students is not deep enough to play its role, leading to the objective existence of Graduates Employment phenomenon. College graduates as a national training of senior professionals, is to promote the development of advanced productive forces and advanced culture, the importance of human resources, their smooth, reasonable, full employment, to play to their wisdom and talents to maximize efficiency, for the economic construction and social development will play an important role. how to effectively guide the employment of co


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