2013牛津译林版选修7Unit 4“Public transport”课件3.pptVIP

2013牛津译林版选修7Unit 4“Public transport”课件3.ppt

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2013牛津译林版选修7Unit 4“Public transport”课件3

Review the words There are three videos here. What can we learn from the videos. What we learned today Homework * 高二英语备课组课件中心 2011.04.15 Module 7 Unit 4 Public transport Project Preventing traffic accidents Words revision Lead in– A survey about traffic rules A short video about traffic accidents Passage learning Conclusion Homework Posters making 发生,产生 arise 极端的,极度的 extreme 原因,起因;事业 cause 周围的,环绕的 surrounding 发信号 signal 拥挤,阻塞 jam 好斗的,侵略性的 aggressive 罚款 fine 专心,专注 concentration 大吃大喝,消耗 consume 违反,违背 violate 不认真对待,打发 dismiss 主要的,首要的 chief 负荷,负载 load 诱因;邀请;请帖 invitation 有秩序的,秩序井然的 orderly What’s the meaning of these instructions ? No overtaking No turning left No turning right No turning around School ahead Roundabout ahead Weight limited Width limited Left. When you are driving a car, you should overtake from which direction: When you are riding a bike, can you carry a passenger? No. When you are walking across the street, what should you do first? You should look both ways and listen for cars. If it is safe, you can walk across the street. 1 2 3 1. What is the purpose of the notice? 2. What is the most common cause of accidents? 3. Why is it dangerous for drivers to speak on mobile phones? 4. Can cyclists ride on the pavement? Why (not)? 5. What can we do to prevent accidents? Listen to the tape of Part A. Try to find out the answers to these five questions. 1. What is the purpose of the notice? The notice is aimed at increasing people’s awareness of the traffic problem. 2. What is the most common cause of accidents? Drivers don’t pay attention to it. 3. Why is it dangerous for drivers to speak on mobile phones? Because speaking on the phone requires concentration and takes a driver’s attention from the road. 4. Can cyclists ride on the pavement? Why (not)? No, they can’t. Because riding on the pavement can be dangerous to pedestrians. When on pavement, they should walk next to their bicycles. 5. What can we do to prevent accidents? Pedestrians, cyclist


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