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As of 13 April 2015, there are 47 Prospective Founding Members (PFM)and 10 countries applying for PFM. Hong Kong joins the delegation of China in the negotiations. Belgium(比利时), Canada, and Ukraine(乌克兰) are considering joining the AIIB. Colombia, Japan, and the United States have no immediate intention to participate. North Korea and Taiwan were rejected by China to join as a PFM. Prospective Founding Members There are 32 PFMs in the Asian region, 15 PFMs not in the Asian region. Britain is the first major Western country to apply to become a member of the bank. To some extend, this accelerated Other Europe countries’ application for PFM such as France, Italy and Germany. United States?–?No commitment The United States officials have expressed concerns about whether the AIIB would have high standards of governance, and whether it would have environmental and social safeguards. The United States is reported to have used diplomatic pressure to try and prevent key allies, such as Australia, from joining the bank, and expressed disappointment when others, such as Britain, joined. 国内产能过剩 domestic over - capacity 外汇储备过剩 the over-capacity of Foreign exchange reserve 人民币国际化 accelerate the RMB internationalization * be invested in infrastructure – roads, bridges, railways, airports, and energy plants. Prospective Founding Members WHAT is AIIB Full name Characterstics Headquarters 亚洲基础设施投资银行Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ,简称亚投行,AIIB 政府间性质的亚洲区域多边开发机构 International financial institution between governments Beijing, China Registered capital $100 billion Major events 2016 Major events 2015 April13, 2105 Before 2016 47 PFM(意向创始成员国) and 10 countries and regions applying for PFM Negotiations for the banks articles of agreement will follow Completed Middle 2015 Membership PFM which signed the memorandum to build AIIB Approved as PFM of AIIB Applying to become PFM of AIIB Application under consideration No commitment to participa


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