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遗愿清单 Edward Cole Carter Chambers Knocking on Heaven’s Door If today is the last day of your life, how will you spend it? We may feel repentant.懊悔 We seldom have time to spend with our family… We haven’t even said a ‘thanks’ to the people we love… We again and again put off the travelling plan… We forget our original dream as we are busy for raising our family… The main character Edward Cole and Carter Chambers are both afflicted with terminal cancer. Edward is a wealthy CEO with no one to visit him except his assistant as he suffers through chemotherapy. Carter is a car mechanic who is surrounded by his wife of 47 years, Virginia and his two sons and daughter. In addition to sharing a room at the hospital, the men share a diagnosis: six months to a year. 折磨 诊断 不治的 化疗 They make a mutual pact协议 not to waste that time. They create a “bucket list” - a series of things to see and do before they die. Edward‘s wealth makes all things possible. so they are soon jetting off to see the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal, and the Great Wall of China, among other places. They go skydiving and drive race cars and search for the perfect woman. In the end, however, its the little personal things that mean more to both men. introducing The bucket list ·Help a complete stranger for good ·Laugh until I cry ·Witness something majestic 神迹 ·Skydiving 跳伞 ·Get a tattoo 纹身 ·Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world Classic Lines I read an account of a man who made it to the summit. And standing there at the top of the world, he experienced this profound silence. It was like all sound just fell away. Our lives are streams, flowing into the same river, towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls…Close your eyes, let the waters take you home. 我以前看过有个登顶珠峰的人这样写道,在脚踏世界之巅的那刻,他才体会到无与伦比的寂静。世上所有的声音仿佛都就此消失了。 我们的生活虽是不同的溪流,却流向了相同的大河,流向了那拥有水瀑轻烟的天堂…闭上眼睛吧,让流水带你回家。 It is difficult to understand the sum of a person’s life. Some people w


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