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Indication for deconfinement @ RHIC Phases of QCD Matter We have strong interaction analogues of familiar phases Nuclei behave like a liquid Quark Gluon Plasma “ Ionize” nucleons with heat “Compress” them with density New state of matter Buda-Lund hydro model Separation of the Core and the Halo Core: hydrodynamic evolution Halo: decay products of long-lived resonances Buda-Lund hydro model Buda-Lund hydro model Rout/Rside Ratios at 200 GeV Buda-Lund fits to NA22 h + p data Buda-Lund fits to NA44 Pb+Pb data Buda-Lund fits to NA49 Pb+Pb data Buda-Lund fits to run-1 RHIC data BudaLund fits to final run-1 RHIC data BudaLund fits to final run-1 RHIC data BudaLund Hubble fits run-1 RHIC data BudaLund fits to final run-1 RHIC data Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models Comparison of results of models A. Ster @ ISMD 2003, Cracow M. Csanád, T. Cs?rg?, B. L?rstad and A. Ster (Budapest Lund) Buda-Lund hydro fits to spectra and radii Buda-Lund hydro model Buda-Lund fits to final run-1 RHIC data Comparison of results and models Indication for a hot center Z. Fodor and S.D. Katz: Tc ~ 170 MeV even at finite baryon density. Cross over like transition. (hep-lat/0106007,0104001) - Analytic expressions for all the observables - 3d expansion, local thermal equilibrium, symmetry - Goes back to known hydro solutions in nonrel limit Principles for Buda-Lund hydro The general form of the emission function: Calculation of observables with core-halo correction: Assuming special shapes for the flux, temperature, chemical potential and flow: Invariant single part


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