新人教版英语高1上Module 2“Unit 2 The Olympic Games”〔part 4〕课件.pptVIP

新人教版英语高1上Module 2“Unit 2 The Olympic Games”〔part 4〕课件.ppt

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新人教版英语高1上Module 2“Unit 2 The Olympic Games”〔part 4〕课件

* 1. She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. (P14-L3) [句式分析] ⑴ 这是一个由_________ 连接的结果状语从句。 ⑵ 其中,“to her father”是 “said”的_____ 宾语, “that she would not ...than her” 是 ________从句。 ⑶ “who could not run faster than her”是 _______ 从句,修饰 ________. so...that 间接 宾语 定语 anyone [原句试译] [句式仿写] 她非常伤心以致于她对我说她不会和任何一个不诚实的人交朋友了。 她非常生气以致于她对父亲说她不会嫁给任何一个跑不过她的人。 She was so sad that she said to me that she would never make friends with anyone who was dishonest any more. 2. There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta’s rules. (P14-L12) [句式分析] ⑴ 本句主干结构是:There be + 主语( ) + 后置定语( )+____ 从句(who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta’s rules)。 ⑵ when he heard of Atlanta’s rules是一个 ___________ 从句。 时间状语 a man called Hippomenes 定语 [原句试译] [句式仿写] 有一个叫小明的男孩,当他第一次到长城时,惊叹于它的壮观。 有一位叫希波墨涅斯的人, 听到亚特兰大的规则,大为吃惊。 There was a boy called Xiao Ming who was amazed at the magnificence of the Great Wall when he first arrived there. 一、单词拼写 1. Our team didn’t exactly cover itself with __________ (荣誉) today. 2. Most of the students are making much progress, but Tom is h ________. glory hopeless 3. Never pay the advertised price for a car, always try to b_________ . 4. He richly__________ (应得) all that happened to him. 5. No p_______, no gains. pains bargain deserved 二、选词填空 One day, Mrs Green went shopping for a fur coat, in the ⑴______ of getting a real ⑵ _______. Having tried on lots of coats ⑶_________________, she finally found a satisfying one before feeling ⑷_______. Then she ⑸__________________ the shopkeeper and bought it at a low price. bargain; make a bargain with; hope; hopeless; foolish;deserve, one after another; pain hope bargain one after another hopeless made a bargain with It was when she felt a severe ⑹ ______ in her leg that she realized it’s already 11p.m. She hurriedly went home, tired and thirsty. Although her husband considered it ⑺__



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