牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 1“Living with technology”(Reading2)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 1“Living with technology”(Reading2)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 1“Living with technology”(Reading2)课件

Unit 1 课件描述: 这是Reading 板块的第二课时。由于Reading 板块的文章不仅为学生提供丰富的信息,同时又富含字、词、句等语言材料供学生学习,所以第二课时教学主要关注学生对字词句等语言知识的学习和运用,如重要短语的理解和用法以及核心词汇的理解和用法等。 Important phrases the evolution of video and sound devices shortly afterwards contributed to the development of TV. was very primitive and had many drawbacks made important breakthroughs in the development of the TV in the late 1920s and early 1930s adopt many of the principles made the first recording of a human voice used round tubes to record on used discs as alternative to tubes be wound up by hand Times sure have changed! employed steel tape to record on paper tape also tore easily. by the late 1960s Sound and video goes digital. The first CDs were made available. with the adaptation of digital technology make … things of the past keep pace with foresee what the future will bring Key words 1. contribute 2. adopt 3. delay 4. access 5. wind 6. tear 7. live Many different people contributed to the development of TV. contribute (v.) ? 1. to give money, help, ideas etc. to something that a lot of other people are also involved in contribute to/towards City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns. contribute sth. to/towards sth. The volunteers contribute their own time to the project. 2. to help to make something happen  contribute to Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US. 3. to write articles, stories, poems etc for a newspaper or magazine contribute to one of several authors contributing to the book Modern TVs adopt many of the principles first discovered by Farnsworth. adopt (v.) 1. to start to deal with or think about something in a particular way adopt an approach/policy/attitude etc. The courts were asked to adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders. 2. to take someone elses child into your home and legally become its parent The couple are unable to have children of their



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