牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Period Four)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Period Four)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Period Four)课件

* Period Four let out be let out let out of let out A at 12 o’clock sharp C A A Our team scored 80 points. There is no point (in) arguing with him. C Period Four Project Language Focus 1....and a needle like a small sword,used for letting liquid out of body parts which had swollen up.有一种像小剑的针,是用来让液体从脓肿部位流出。 [归纳拓展] let...out of...让……从……中流出/出去 let out相当于及物动词,后面必须加宾语,out为副词,意为“让(人等)出去;放出(水、空气等);放宽、放大衣服等;发出(叫喊声等);泄露(秘密等),不留神说出;放过某人免受某事之累(尤指不愉快之事)”。 [语境助记] (1)The device lets sunlight in,but doesn’t let heat out. 这个装置让阳光进入,但是不放热量出去。 (2)She let out a scream of terror at the sight of a figure in the darkness. 她在黑暗处看到一个身影时,发出了恐怖的尖叫声。 (3)He let out the secret by chance that she was leaving here. 他无意中透露了这个秘密——她要离开此地。 [题组训练] (1)用let out (of)的适当形式填空 ①When the bird got well,we it . ②He’s getting so fat that his trousers have to round the waist. ③The teacher said only Janet,George and Sue were to be punished,so he me . ④She herself the house very quietly. (2)He accidentally that he had quarrelled with his wife and hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks. A.let out B.took care C.made sure D.made out 2.The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp.如今,用于针灸的主针都很好,很锋利。 [归纳拓展] sharp adj.锋利的;尖的;急剧的,猛然的;敏锐的; adv.准时地;(某时)整 [语境助记] (1)I cut my foot on a sharp stone. 我的脚被一块尖石头割破了。 (2)After the storm there was a sharp drop in temperature.暴风雨过后,温度急剧下降。 (3)Tell her I’ll be there at nine o’clock sharp. 告诉她我9点整到那里。 [题组训练] (1)The bell rang (在12点整). (2)It was very of you to have noticed that.It is only a very small fault. A.wise B.helpful C.sharp D.bright 3.Acupuncture uses stainless steel needles that are put into the skin at certain points on the body so that a disease can be cured or a health problem solved. 针刺疗法用不锈钢针插入身体的某些点,以治疗疾病或解决健康问题。 [归纳拓展] 本句是复合句,so that引导目的状语从句,意思是“以便,为了”,这时从句中常含有can,could,may,might等情态动词。 (1)so that还可引导结果状语从句,从句中往往没有情态动词,而且主从句之间常用逗号隔开。 (2)除so that外,in order



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