牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 4“Public transport”(Project)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 4“Public transport”(Project)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 4“Public transport”(Project)课件

Group work Jobs of each member: Group leader Note-making Writing Presenting * Project Unit 4 Writing an e-mail to give information Unit 4 课件描述: 本课件用于U4 Module 7中Project的教学。 通过阅读课本素材,使学生了解相关的知识,为写作做好铺垫。写作由小组合作完成。 How many people die in crashes on the world‘s roads every year? WHO 2010, Global plan for the decade of action for road safety, 2011-2020, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Do you know? 1.3 million a further 50 million injured In the first half of 2010, how many people were killed and how many injured ? --Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security Do you know? In China, in 2009, how many people died in traffic accidents and how many got wounded? --Chinas Ministry of Public Security 67,759 dead 275,125 wounded 27,270 dead 116,982 injured Watch a video clip: What caused the traffic accidents? Watch and think drunk driving We all must be aware of the potential causes of road accidents and act to prevent them. drivers of vehicles cyclists pedestrians common scenes Who should be responsible for traffic accidents? For what purpose is the notice written? Why? What are some major causes of road accidents related to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians? Read the passage and answer the following questions. The notice is aimed at promoting people’s awareness of road safety. Because the number of traffic accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased. Drivers causes of road accidents Not paying attention Getting annoyed in a traffic jam Speaking on mobile phones Driving after drinking alcohol Speeding Cyclists Pedestrians Not paying attention to cars Riding on the pavement Carrying a passenger Riding at night without lights Riding a bike in bad condition Crossing the road incorrectly Ignoring traffic lights In order to prevent accidents, Read again and complete the notes. pedestrians should … cyclists should … drivers should … pay attention to the surround


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