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复旦大学经济学院 王之 城市经济专题研究 ECON830019 Urban Economics Syllabus Overview: The goal of this course is to give students an understanding of how economists think about cities. We will explore why cities exist as they do, the geographic organization of economic activities and a variety of urban policy issues such as housing, land use, environment, and place-based policies. You will learn about urban economic theory and analysis of empirical data sets in the context addressing important urban- related questions. Empirical examples will be taken primarily from the US and China. After taking the course, students will have an understanding of standard urban theory and of empirical evidence on various important applied urban topics. This course will prepare students with many of the necessary tools to undertake their own research in urban economics or related fields. Class requirements: Each student will be required to present one paper on the reading list or of his/her choice with approval to the class. A final research proposal will be due at the end of the semester. Each student will discuss the topic of his/her research proposal in the December. We will meet every Friday, from 1:30 to 3:10 pm, in H5211. Grading: class presentation (30%), class participation (30%), research proposal (40%). My Email: My Office: RM 125, BLDG 11 1 复旦大学经济学院 王之 计划教学进度 Tentative Schedule 第一章 引言 Introduction:什么是城市?为什么研究城市经济学?世界城 市演进的基本规律? (4学时) 第二章 聚集的好处 Agglomeration economies:经济活动空间分布的形态是 什么?为什么经济活动在空间上聚集?(自然禀赋、生产性优势、消费性优势) (8学时) 第三章


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