University PE teacher job satisfaction and organizational commitment and its relationship between.doc

University PE teacher job satisfaction and organizational commitment and its relationship between.doc

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University PE teacher job satisfaction and organizational commitment and its relationship between

University PE teacher job satisfaction and organizational commitment and its relationship between Paper Keywords: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, PE teachers Abstract: Job satisfaction and organizational commitment is the attitude of the two interrelated variables. The use of literature, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics, the use of job satisfaction and organizational commitment questionnaire to some provinces and cities of College Sports Surveying teachers were tested on the predictors of job satisfaction and job satisfaction and organizational commitment to conduct investigations. correlation and regression analysis showed that PE teachers predictors of job satisfaction with respect, work environment, participation in decision-making , work recognition, remuneration for work and working relationships, job satisfaction and organizational commitment have positive effect. Job satisfaction (jobsatisfaction) is the individual that he engaged in the work of the general attitude (Robbins, 1997). Employee job satisfaction is high, their work may take a positive attitude, on the contrary, staff job satisfaction level of the low to be a negative attitude to work. As a result of the quality of working life satisfaction is an important indicator of Japan, but also the attitude of members of a special composition l argument, so in human resource management theory and practice was widely attention. Associated with job satisfaction attitude of the other ~ a variable - organizational commitment (OrganizationalCommitment), Becker put it as with the staff of the organization to increase investment to remain in the organization have a psychological phenomenon, Mowday organizational commitment to the organization defined as a personal attitude or tendency of the inner certainty, it is the personal emotional attachment to a particular organization and participation in the organization’s relative degree. Winner that the organization and employe



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