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Slide Design Demonstration You can enter text here Optimal Met+Cys : Lys ratio in diets for broilers 肉鸡日粮中最优的Met+Cys : Lys 比例 Determination of optimal amino acid ratios 理想蛋白氨基酸比例的测定 Ideal Protein Concept理想蛋白的概念 Ideal ratios between amino acids (reference Lys) 氨基酸的理想比例(以赖氨酸为标准) Should be applied on basis of digestible amino acids 应当以可消化氨基酸为基础应用 Determination of ideal amino acid ratios理想蛋白氨基酸比例的测定 Factorial approach 析因法 Dose-response trials 剂量反应试验 Factorial approach 析因法 Partitioning of amino acid requirement for various purposes – factors把氨基酸需要量分割为用于各种目的需要量-因子 What‘s required? 需要什么? Amino acid retention (net accretion)氨基酸的存留(净增加) Analysed content of weight gain, egg mass, feathers, milk yield, etc. 分析增重、蛋内容物、羽毛、产奶等的成分 Utilisation of absorbed amino acids吸收氨基酸的利用率 Dependent on amino acid balance依赖于氨基酸的平衡 Maintenance requirement维持需要 Amino acid requirement for zero gain零增重时的氨基酸需要 Function of body weight体重的功能 Partition of the lysine requirement 赖氨酸需要量的分割 Partition of the methionine+cysteine requirement蛋+胱需要量的分割 Not 100% of the AA absorbed by the small intestine are used for retention 吸收的氨基并不能100%利用 Intermediate utilisation of AA 氨基酸的平均利用率 Lysine accr. (slow)= -22.49 +0.76x r2 = 98% Lysine accr. (fast) = -25.63 +0.79x r2 = 99% Methionine accr. = -3.4 +0.68x r2 = 97% TSAA accr. = -2.74 +0.52x r2 = 97% Threonine accr. = -13.75 +0.82x r2 = 99% Valine accr. = -13.44 +0.73x r2 = 99% x = AA intake氨基酸的食入量 H.M. Edwards et. al, Poultry Science,1999 Edwards and Baker, Poutry Science, 1999 Edwards and Baker, Br.J.Nutr, 1997 D.H. Baker et al., J.Nutr., 1996 Three sections of an exponential dose-response curve指数剂量反应曲线的三个阶段 Utilisation of dietary Met in low (18.3%) and high (22.9%) CP diets for broilers 肉鸡日粮中高蛋白(22.9)和低蛋白(18.3)日粮中Met的利用率 Utilisation of amino acids in broilers depends on genetics 在肉鸡上氨基酸的利用率与遗传有关 Partition of the lysine requirement in broilers 在肉上赖氨酸需要量的分割 Partition of the methionine+cysteine requirement in broilers 在肉鸡上蛋+胱需要量的分割 Effect of age on ideal Met+Cys : Lys r


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