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* * INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE * Unanswered Questions…. We made a lot of assumptions about the quantities of each good that each country produces, trades, and consumes, and the price at which the countries trade wheat for computers. In the real world, these quantities and prices would be determined by the preferences of consumers and the technology and resources in both countries. We will begin to study this in the next chapter. For now, though, our goal was merely to see how trade can make everyone better off. 0 CHAPTER SUMMARY 相互依存和贸易可以使每个人享用更多数量和品种的物品与劳务。 Interdependence and trade allow everyone to enjoy a greater quantity and variety of goods services.(贸易很好) 生产者可以用更少量投入品生产某种物品,则该生产者在生产该物品上有绝对优势。比较优势则以生产产品的机会成本来度量。 Comparative advantage means being able to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost. Absolute advantage means being able to produce a good with fewer inputs. (贸易很好的原因在于利用比较优势,比较优势可由机会成本度量) * CHAPTER SUMMARY 贸易可以使人们专门从事自己有比较优势的活动,从而做大经济蛋糕,可以使每一个人状况变好。 When people – or countries – specialize in the goods in which they have a comparative advantage, the economic “pie” grows and trade can make everyone better off. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INTERDEPENDENCE AND THE GAINS FROM TRADE ? 2010 Wuhan University C H A P T E R Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 3 相互依存性与贸易的好处 In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions: Why do people – and nations – choose to be economically interdependent?(为什么选择相互依存?) How can trade make everyone better off? What is absolute advantage (绝对优势)? What is comparative advantage (比较优势)? How are these concepts similar? How are they different? * Interdependence Every day you rely (依赖) on many people from around the world, most of whom you’ve never met, to provide you with the goods and services you enjoy. 0 coffee from Kenya dress shirt from China cell phone from Taiwan hair gel(发胶) from Cleveland, OH IN


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