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适者生存 赫伯特·斯宾塞创造了适者生存的新词 适者生存(英语:survival of the fittest)是英语的片语,是以竞争争取生存或优势之概念的总结。此概念由赫伯特·斯宾塞在1864年于其著作《生物原理》 (Principles of Biology) 提出。斯氏借此将他的经济学思想与达尔文的演化理论相较;而达尔文就把适者生存之概念称为自然选择。 此片语乃一种隐喻,并非科学描述;生物学家一般不用此片语,而只是称之为自然选择。 Evolution and Philosophy Does evolution make might right? by John S. Wilkins John S. Wilkins Copyright ? 1997 Summary: Evolution does not have moral consequences, and does not make cosmic purpose impossible. number of critics see the use of selection theory in other than biological contexts as forcing malign political and moral commitments. A prime example of this is sociobiology, which is supposed to result in such things as eugenics, racism, and the death of the welfare state. Sociobiology, and the more recent evolutionary psychology movement, seeks to explain human behavior in terms of the adaptations of human evolution. Gould especially has been vitriolic in his attacks on socio-biological explanations. It is thought by some to result in a completely selfish ethic known as rational egoism. Another such view is Social Darwinism, which holds that social policy should allow the weak and unfit to fail and die, and that this is not only good policy but morally right. The only real connection between Darwinism and Social Darwinism is the name. The real source of Social Darwinism is Herbert Spencer and the tradition going back to Hobbes via Malthus, not Darwins own writings, though Darwin gained some inspiration on the effects of population growth from Malthus. The claims made by Social Darwinists and their heirs suffer from the ethical fallacy known as the naturalistic fallacy (no connection to naturalism in explanations and the study of knowledge mentioned above). This is the inference from what may be the case to the conclusion that it is therefore right. However, while it is certainly true that, for example, some families are prone to suffer diabetes, as mine is, there is no licence to conclude that they should not be treated, any more than the fa


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