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U1 1.刚刚过去的夏季学期 the preceding summer semester 2.即兴球赛 the impromptu ball games 3.埋头学习 get one’s heads down 4.课堂出勤率 attendance at classes 5.急剧上升 rise steeply 6.谁都不想……那也太丢人了 No one wanted the humiliation of 7.同学们之间的竞争压力 peer group pressure 8.熬夜熬出了眼袋 wear the bags under one’s eyes 9.脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪 pale, sleepy faces 10.在某人的心里 at the back of one’s mind 11.心怀抱负、成绩拔尖的高材生 the high flyers with the top grades 12.默默无闻的同学 quieter, less impressive students 13.为自己下几个阶段的人生做好了规划 have the next stages of one’s life mapped out 14.准备继续深造 look to continue one?? studies 15.在20出头的时候 in ones early twenties 16.追随...的人生足迹 follow ones path through life 17.做好了遭到反对的心理 brace oneself for some resistance to 18.加入一个暂时报酬高的行业 go into a career which pays well just at the moment 19.远处大海的景色 the sight of the sea beyond 20.沿海水域没什么风浪 no surf on the coastal waters 21.懒得从里面爬出来 cant be bothered to crawl out 22.挤满了 brim with 23.一只压着一只,堆得老高 piled high on top of each other 24.对…感到不耐烦了 get bored with 25.放弃了漫长的逃亡之战 give up one’s lengthy struggle to escape 26.被…拽下来 be pulled back 27.没有什么比……更能表明人生的无常和生命的脆弱了。 Nothing underlines the uncertainty and absolute frailty of humanity like… 28.早逝 the untimely exit of sb. 29.故事情节 the meat of the story 30.心仪的工作 mind’s-eye dream-job 31.一张期票 a promissory note 32.(由于客观或主观条件)无法做某事 be not in a position to do sth. 33.自助餐馆里 a buffet res


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