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Now in China Import Fraud of Da Vinci Furniture Company Repatriation of Lai Changjing, Tax Evasion, Smuggling Cheating on the rise (Para 1-2) Honesty: American Character (Para3) Moral decline in America (Para 4-6) Encourage the young generation to cherish honesty Line of thought in the structure (After-reading) 1 Step to curb (Para 2) Survey → once Major Problem in College (Para 1) Scanning Scanning The story of Lincoln and George Washington Drop the past papers Other indications Good times, but more theft and cheating cheating in school Focus on Para 1 Reading Skill: Scanning Scanning → identify key words: Para 1: Cheating once → temptation → on the rise → Result of Survey Reason Trend Relate theme to current issue Dishonesty in Government 1 Critical Thinking Does Japan’s nationalization of Fishing Island show Japanese government’s dishonesty? Is this also a dishonesty crisis? Please prepare a speech of 3 minutes and you are going to have an oral presentation next period. After-class assignment frankness straightforwardness truthfulness integrity fairness irresponsibility lying cheating theft The Tree of Honesty Go back to the topic Please discuss with your partner: 1 Is honesty going out of style? 2 on what occasions can we tell lies? Please give examples. After-class assignment 1 Critical Thinking Does Japan’s nationalization of Fishing Island show Japanese government’s dishonesty? Is this also a dishonesty crisis? 2 Intensive reading (1)Read the passage intensively and know more clearly about the structure (2) Look the vocabulary up in the dictionary (Explain next period) Conclusion 1 Reading skimming and scanning (2) preview and know the main idea (3) Know how to summarize the general structure 2 Language Vocabulary in the reading and occurred in the PPT about honesty 3 Culture Ch


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