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2011 Minerals Yearbook IndonesIa U.S. Department of the Interior September 2013 U.S. Geological Survey The Mineral indusTry of indonesia By Chin s. Kuo Indonesia has abundant mineral resources, which include Grasberg. The output of smelted copper, however, remained at coal, copper, gold, natural gas, nickel, and tin. The country also about the same level as in 2010. The output of gold decreased has less significant resources of bauxite, petroleum, and silver. by 9.6% whereas that of silver increased by 14%. The output The development and exploitation of minerals and oil and gas of mined nickel decreased by 7.5% whereas that of nickel in continued to play an important role in the country’s economic ferronickel increased by 5.4%. Because of the Government’s growth. Indonesia was among the five leading producers of continued crackdown on illegal tin mining, small tin smelters copper and nickel in the world, and its tin output was ranked received less tin ore. As a result, production of mined tin and second after China. It was also ranked among the world’s top 10 tin metal was estimated to have decreased slightly. The large countries in the production of gold and natural gas. Indonesia changes in the production of ilmenite (decreased by 70%) was the world’s second ranked exporter of liquefied natural gas and zircon (increased by 160%) were possibly owing to the (LNG) after Qatar but was a net importer of oil. fluctuations of the country’s export quotas (table 1). Minerals in the National Economy Structure of the Mineral Industry Indonesia’s real gross domestic product (GdP) growth was State-owned PT Antam


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