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周春良 Zhou Chunliang 电邮:nitcomputer@163.com Email: nitcomputer@163.com 自我评价 Self-evaluation 具备出色的学习能力和强大的亲和力 Have excellent learning ability and easily to go alone. 教学特长 Learning talent 熟悉Java、Java web和J2EE课程 Familiar with Java、Java Web and J2EE course 熟悉数据结构和计算机网络课程 Familiar with Data Structures and Computer Network courses 担任多年班主任 善于和学生沟通 In charge of class teacher for years and good at conmunication with students 教育背景 Education groundback 2005.9-2008.3 浙江工业大学计算机应用专业硕士学位 Mater of Computer application, Zhejiang University 参与浙江省科技厅项目(混凝土工业信息集成平台)的开发 Took part in the projects development of Zhejiang Province Science Technology Hall (concrete industry information integration platform) 主修课程(人工智能、数据挖掘、自然辩证法、TCP/IP 协议开发、高级操作系统) Major courses (Artificial intelligence, data mining, natural dialectics, TCP / IP protocol development, advanced operating system) 2001.9-2005.6 浙江大学计算机专业学士 Bachelor of Computer Science, Zhejiang University 参加中国数学建模大赛并获得浙江省三等奖 Won the three prize in Zhejiang Province in the Chinese mathematical modeling contest 主修课程(数据结构、离散数学、高等数学、编译原理、汇编语言、计算机组成原理) Majors courses (Data structure、Discrete mathematics, higher mathematics, compiler theory, assembly language, Computer Organization) 工作经验 Working Experiences 2008.6-2011.10 宁波大红鹰学院教师 NingBo Dahongying University teacher 参考教学大纲为学生讲授课程 Teached Students as teaching syllabus 担任本科毕业设计的指导教师 As the graduated design instructor 担任3年多的本科班主任工作 As the class techer of undergraduate course for more than three years 参加东蓝数码的暑期企业实践 Took part in the summer enterprise practice in Digital Donglan 工作成绩 Jobs performance 获得宁波大红鹰学院软件学院“我最喜欢的教师”称号 Got the “My Most Forvate Teacher”title in Software Engineering Institute of Nibong Dahongying University. 兴趣爱好 Interests and Hobbies 羽毛球、爬山 Badminton、mounting climbing 尊敬的导师:Dear tutor, 我是来自中国的周春良,今年29周岁。毕业于浙江大学,获得计算机专业的工学学士学位;研究生毕业于浙江工业大学,研究方向为人工智能,获得计算机应用技术专业的工学硕士学位。现在在中国一所具有学士学位授予权的大学任教。 Iam Zhou Chunliang coming from China. I am 29 years old. I graduated from



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