Unit 1 怎样译出地道的英语.ppt

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Unit 1 怎样译出地道的英语

Exercise: 两国经贸领域的互补性很强,双方可以彼此分享巨大的市场。 The two countries are highly complementary in economic and trade areas, making it possible for them to share each other’s huge market. 和平的环境是一个国家、一个地区以至全球发展的重要前提。 A peaceful environment is indispensable for national, regional and even global development. 文化难点 (一)文化词语的非完全对应 “副”:行政副职可以用vice与deputy,学术副职可用associate。 如:副主席---vice chairman; 副县长---deputy county magistrate; 副主任医师---associate professor of treatment; 副研究员---associate research fellow; 副译审---associate reviser of translation; 副教授– associate professor. (二)文化空缺 (一)独有事物 馄饨-wonton; 饺子-jiaozi; 豆腐-toufu; 粽子-zongzi (pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, usu. eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) Salad-色拉; Pizza-披萨;hamburger-汉堡包 (三)独有说法 ①“五讲,四美,三热爱” Five stresses, four points of beauty and three aspects of love. (stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals; beauty of the mind, language, behavior and environment; love of the motherland, socialism and the Communist Party. ) ②“三包”(包修、包退、包换): the three guaranteed R’s:repair, refund and replacement ③ “煲电话粥”: do a marathon talk on the phone ?? (四)成语的深刻含义 如:望子成龙: long to see one’s son become a dragon (i.e. win success in the world) long to see one’s son succeed in life; 《汉英成语词典》(北外编) 练习: 1)为了保证产品质量,我们对所有元器件都进行了严格的筛选。 In pursuit of excellent quality of our products, all the parts are selected or chosen strictly before being picked up together. 2)我每时每刻都在关心人质的命运。 I carry the fate of the hostages with me every single day. 3)几天工夫,由于抢购,商店的货物销售一空。 Within days, panic buying emptied store shelves. 4)看到这个可怜的孩子,他想到了自己的童年。 The sight of the poor little boy reminded him of his childhood. 5)他因感情冲动而误入歧途。 His passion carried him away. 6)人们对那次历史性的盛会仍然记忆犹新。 Memories of that historic and grand occasion still linger. 练习: 爱情的定义 The Definition of Love 有个大学三年级的女生,不算漂亮,甚至还多少有点丑。她见同班的女同学皆有了男友,惟独自己



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