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讲义四 动词分类 一 诊断性检测 1.—Will you stay for some more days? —Sorry, I_____. My mother called to ask me to go back at once. A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. wouldn’t 2. You ______ wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain. A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. have to 3. — Who’s singing in the next room? — It ____ be her . She has gone to New York. A. can’t B. must C. shouldn’t D. can 4.— Must we clean the classroom now? — No, you neednt. It? after school.  A. may clean????? B. must clean??? C. need be cleaned?? D. can be cleaned 5. Mum, this kind of fruit nice. I’d like to taste one. A. sounds B. smells C. look D. feel 6. —The flowers in Hekou ___ beautiful in May.—Yes, many tourists come to watch them every year. A. sound B. listen C. taste D.look 7. My sister _____ her cat yesterday, but she didn’t ________ it. A.found; look for B.looked; found C.looked for; find 8. Could you please _______ us an interesting story? A.speak B.tell C.say 9. —How long may I ________ the book?—Just one day, I will return it to Mary tomorrow. A.keep B.borrow C.lend D.kept 10.. Would you please _______ the radio a little bit? It’s too loud. A.turn on B.turn up C.turn off D.turn down 二、知识讲解 知识点1:动词的概况 1)定义:动词是表示动作和状态的词,用来表示主语做什么(即行为动词),或表示主语是什么或怎么样(即状态动词)的词。 如:The boy runs fast.(这个男孩跑得快。)runs表示主语的行为 He is a boy.(他是个男孩。)is与后面的表语a boy表示主语的状态 2)分类:动词可以按照含义及它们在句中的作用分成四类,即行为动词(也称实义动词,分及物动词和不及物动词,瞬间性动词和持续性动词)、连系动词、助动词和情态动词。 知识点2:中考动词分类的考查点 A.实义动词 1)概况:实义动词 (行为动词)是表示行为、动作或状态的词。它的词义完整,可以单独作谓语。 如:I live in Beijing with my mother.(我和我妈妈住在北京。)live,住 It has a round face.(它有一张圆脸。)has,有 2)及物动词和不及物动词 实义动词按其是否需要宾语,可以分为及物动词和不及物动词。 a.及物动词: 及物动词后面必须跟宾语,意思才完整。 如:Give me some ink, please.(请给我一些墨水。) If you have any questions, you can raise your hands.(如果你们有问题,你们可以举手,


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