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LOGO The cooperative mechanism of franchising with KFC 张静 王亚楠 丁亚伟 The franchising way of KFC in China The special franchising way KFC had adopted in China is “not starting from scratch” which means franchisor will grants the franchisee the right to use a mature restaurant gaining profits in return for royalty from the latter so that a franchisee avoid to selecting a business site, set up a building, recruiting, training and a lot other complicated activities. Besides, to take over a profitable KFC restaurant from Yum China for a franchisee will largely decrease the risk and at the same time improves the chances to succeed because of the fame of Yum and KFC. 肯德基在中国的特许加盟是不从“零”开始的特许加盟 “不从零开始”的特许经营,就是肯德基将一家成熟的、正在盈利的餐厅转售给加盟者。与通常的特许经营模式不同在于:加盟者不须从零开始,避免了自行选址、开店,招募、训练及管理员工的大量繁复的工作,其中,决定在哪里开店往往是成功的关键。从中国百胜接手一家正在盈利的肯德基餐厅,加盟者的风险会大大降低,提高了成功的机会。 肯德基作为一个国际品牌,我们认为,现阶段在中国市场进行“不从零开始”的特许经营是一个最佳的开始方式。 它能确保加盟者尽快融入肯德基标准的管理系统,共同发展。 The necessary demands for a franchisee 1. Identifying the enterprise culture. 2. Having the entrepreneurial spirit. 3.Having the very good enterprise management experience in related industries. 4. Want to be in service industry management. 5. Willing to deal with the daily business matters every day. 6.No crime and bankruptcy records. 7. Having migrated to other cities for a career of will. 8. Having no conflicts of interest with all the brands of Yum. KFC希望您是真正渴求发展的有实力的投资者和经营者: ??认同肯德基的企业文化 ??有企业家的精神 ??在相关的行业中有很好的企业管理经验 ??愿意从事服务行业的经营管理 ??愿意处理每天的日常经营事宜 ??没有犯罪及破产的记录 ??有为了事业迁移到其它城市的意愿 ??与百胜的所有品牌没有利益冲突 Outlay Problems for two sides 1. The franchisee could have a financing, but must gain at least 70 percent by the total outlay putting into the program for joining in KFC. 2. At the beginning, a franchisee must pay a initial fee which must be paid one-off and the franchisor will do some proper adjustment according to the United States’ price index. Besides, every alliance business in a new development, must pay the costs. 3. The


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