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阅读在英语六级各个题型中占有非常重要的比重,大家在复习阅读时,不仅要积累词汇、做题技巧,也要多加练习,把学到的技巧运用到实践中。 In Another World 另一个世界 Here I am, in China, half way around the world from home. As I look at my clock and calculate the time back home I realize that half a world away, people are busy getting ready for a wedding. The bride is my niece, a person I first met when she was three days old. I think back to the first time I had the opportunity to become acquainted with my niece. As my sister cradled her in her arms, the infant girl clasped her mother’s outstretched finger. My intuition told me that her temperament would be a sunny disposition, a joy to people around her. As she grew, the cute little girl had an infectious laugh that started as a small grin, then became a giggle and grew louder and louder until it triggered a response from all the people around her and they joined in. As an adolescent, she studied hard and enjoyed well deserved success in secondary school as she interacted with her peer group. After receiving her high school diploma, she chose nursing as her career. From the beginning of the young couple’s romance it was evident that they were compatible and were completely intrigued with each other. The couple had an engagement party when I was at home in Canada a few months ago. The party was in the form of a picnic in a beautiful rose garden. To celebrate and to toast their future, we drank champagne. As they posed under an arch covered with climbing roses, we snapped pictures for their photo album. The couple decided on a fall wedding. Plans for the wedding day were activated immediately. The decisions about the forthcoming event were shared by the whole family. A close friend of the family was contacted and invited to sing a solo just prior to the ceremony. The day before the ceremony, a rehearsal would take place so that the remainder of the details could be looked after and attended to. The planning that takes place beforehand for one of these events and all the


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