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摘  要 数字电压表的诞生打破了传统电子测量仪器的模式和格局。它显示清晰直观、读数准确,采用了先进的数显技术,大大地减少了因人为因素所造成的测量误差事件。数字电压表是把连续的模拟量(直流输入电压)转换成不连续、离散的数字形式,并加以显示的仪表。数字电压表把电子技术、计算技术、自动化技术的成果与精密电测量技术密切的结合在一起,成为仪器、仪表领域中独立而完整的一个分支,数字电压表标志着电子仪器领域的一场革命,也开创了现代电子测量技术的先河。本设计采用了以单片机为开发平台,控制系采用AT89S52单片机,A/D转换采用ADC080。系统除能确保实现要求的功能外,还可以方便进行8路其它A/D转换量的测量、远程测量结果传送等扩展功能。简易数字电压测量电路由A/D转换、数据处理、显示控制等组成。关键词:单片机AT89S52 A/D转换ADC0804 数据处理 The design of Digital Voltage Meter based on Single-chip Abstract The birth of digital voltage meter breaks the traditional model of electronic measuring instruments and patterns. It shows the clear and intuitive, accurate readings, using an advanced digital display technology, greatly reduced due to human factors of the measurement error caused by the incident. Digital voltage meter is a row of analog (DC input voltage) into a non-continuous, discrete digital form, and the instrument display. Digital voltage meter to electronic technology, computing technology, automation technology and precision of the results of electrical measurement technology closer together and become instruments, meters and complete an independent field of a branch, digital voltage meter indicates that the field of electronic devices a revolution and also pioneered the modern pioneer of electronic measurement technology. The design uses a single-chip platform for the development, control of the Department of the use of AT89S52 single-chip, A/D conversion using ADC0804. In addition to the realization of the system to ensure that the required functionality, but also facilitate the 8 other A/D converter measurement, distance measurement function of transmission expansion. Simple digital voltage measuring circuit is made of the A/D conversion, data processing, display control, etc. Key words: SCM AT89S52 A/D conversion ADC0804 Data processing 目  录 前  言 1 第1章 课题概况 2 第1.1节 系统总体方案选择与说明 2 第1.2节 系统总体方案总结 2 第1.3节 系统结构框图 3 第1.4节 工作原理 3 第1.5节 本章小结 4 第2章 系统硬件部分方案设计 5 第2.1节 输入电路 5 第2.2节 A/D转换及量程选择电路 6 第2.3节 单片机部分 12 第2.4节 电压显示电路


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