
My First Day at Senior High二1.ppt

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My First Day at Senior High二1

My First Day at Senior High Questions 1.?????? What’s your new senior high school? 2.?????? Do you like the school? Why? 3.?????? How many students are there in your new class? 4.?????? Do you have great confidence to learn English well? Complete the sentences with a subject and a reason. I like because . I think is important because . I think is difficult because . I would like to study because . Discussion What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior HIgh school? Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than at Junior High school? Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers? Answer the questions and guess the meaning of the key words. Describe your attitude to studying English. Are you enthusiastic? interested? not very interested? Describe the general behaviour of your Junior High class in English lessons. Do you all work hard in class? behave in a serious and polite manner? sometimes get noisy? Give an example of your teacher’s teaching method. Does he/she tell stories? explain grammar? write new words on the blackboard? What do you find most difficult about English? reading comprehension speaking (c)handwriting (d)spelling (e)understanding instructions (f) What’s the difference between this textbook and the one you used at Junior High? Think about (a)difficulty (b)photographs (c)reading texts. Match the words with their definitions attitude behaviour handwriting method textbook a book used for the study of a subject in school the particular way someone writes using a pen way of doing something a way of feeling or thinking about someone or something way of acting in a particular way Match the words with their definitions comprehension instruction photograph spelling a photo the action of forming words correctly from letters, or the ability to do this an order t


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