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Chapter 7 Communications Technology review 按钮 单元格 数据库 字段 图标 菜单栏 OLE 记录 工具栏 浏览器 Main contents 7.1 using computers to communicate: technological basics 7.2 communications channels: the conduits(导线,管道) of communications 7.3 factors affecting communications among devices 7.4 communications networks 7.5 local networks 7.6 networking at work Key terms-p7.44-p7.49 amplitude 振幅 [?mplitju:d] bandwidth 带宽 [b?ndwidθ] bits per second cable modem 线缆调制解调器 coaxial cable 同轴电缆[k?u?ksi?l] communications 通信 Key terms-p7.44-p7.49 communications channel 信道 communications satellites 通信卫星 download 下载 fiber-optic cable 光纤电缆 frequency 频率 full-duplex transmission 全双工传输 Key terms-p7.44-p7.49 GPS 全球定位系统 half-duplex transmission 半双工传输 host computer 主机 [h?ust] ISDN 综合服务数字网 kbps local network 局部网 Key terms-p7.44-p7.49 MAN 城域网 microwave systems 微波系统 modem 调制解调器 multiplexing 多路技术 network 网络 node 节点 Key terms-p7.44-p7.49 OSI 开放系统互连 packet 信息包 packet switching 包交换 parallel data transmission 并行数据传输 protocol 协议 [pr?ut?k?l] serial data transmission 串行数据传输 Key terms-p7.44-p7.49 server 服务器 simplex transmission 单工传输 synchronous transmission 同步传输 [si?kr?n?s] twisted-pair wire 双绞线 upload 上传 WAN 广域网 7.1 using computers to communicate(p7.2) Communications, or telecommunications , refers to the transfer of data from a transmitter(发送器)-also called a sender or a source-to a receiver-also called a sink(接收器) –across a distance. Analog Signals :Continuous Waves(p7.3) Telephones ,radios ,and televisions-the older forms of communications technology were designed to work with an analog signal. An analog signal is a continuous electrical signal in the form of a wave called a carrier wave(载波). Two characteristics of analog carrier waves that can be altered are frequency and amplitude. A digital signal uses on / off or present / absent electrical pulses in discontinuous , or discrete(离散的) ,bursts ,rather than a continuous wave . This two state signal represents the two-state binary language of 0


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