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Tag questions(反义疑问句) 什么事反义疑问句? (也可叫做附加疑问句) 举例分析 1.It’s a nice day, isn’t it? 由两个部分组成。前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是简短问句。在前一部分(陈述句之后)用逗号,都一部分(简短问句)之后用问号。 2.Mamat is Uyghur, isn’t he? 反义疑问句的否定句必须用缩略形式,同时它的主语必须用人称代词。 在陈述句之后加上一个意思与之相反的简短问句,这种句子叫做反义疑问句。反义疑问句必须由意思相反的两部分组成,在前一部分(陈述句)之后用逗号,后一部分(简短问句)之后用问号。反意疑问句的否定句必须用缩略形式,同时它的主语必须用人称代词,不能用名词。 Correct these sentences: It looks like rain ,does not it? It looks like rain, doesn’t it? Tom is a student, is not Tom? Tom is a student, isn’t he? The shuttle bus is slow, isn’t it. The shuttle bus is slow, isn’t it? 反义疑问句的类型 反义疑问句分为两类: 1.前一部分为肯定式,后一部分为否定式。 例:The train is always late, isn’t it? You love music, don’t you? 2.前一部分为否定式,后一部分为肯定是。 例:You aren’t a teacher, are you? You don’t study Chinese, do you? 1.陈述句(肯定式),+疑问部分(否定式)? be动词和一般动词(实义动词)构成的反义疑问句 A. be动词句型 现在:..........,isn’t / aren’t + 主语? They are foreigners, aren’t they? The pen is yours, isn’t it? 过去:..........., wasn’t / weren’t +主语? You were late for the meeting, weren’t you? That was a wonderful night, wasn’t it? B.一般动词句型 现在:.........., don’t/doesn’t +主语? Lucy likes English, doesn’t she? You go to school, don’t you? 过去:.........., didn’t + 主语? Asiyam helped my sister, didn’t she? He cooked salad for dinner, didn’t he? 第一类型的反义疑问句的答语及翻译方式 The pen is yours, isn’t it?这笔是你的,不是吗? Yes, it is.(是的,它是。) No, it isn’t.(不,它不是。) You like tea better, don’t you?你更喜欢茶,不是吗? Yes, i do. (是的,我喜欢。) No, i don’t.(不,我不喜 欢) Tom is sleeping, isn’t he?汤姆在睡觉,不是吗? Yes, he is. (是的。) No, he isn’t.(不。) She is loved by her parents, isn’t she?他被父母亲疼爱着,不是吗? Yes, she is. (是的。) No, she isn’t. (不。) C: 情态动词的反义疑问句 句型 : .........(陈述句),情态动词的简短否定式+主语?例: Your brother can swim, can’t he? Yes, he can./ No, he can’t. You must work hard next term, mustn’t you? Yes, i must. We ought to go there, oughtn’t we? Yes, we should. (Yes, we ought.)/ No, we shouldn’t. D:现在完成时的反义疑问句 句型:........(肯定陈述句),have/has+not+主语? Frank has lived here for many years, hasn’t he? 弗兰克已经在这


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