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主持:Ok ,first ,Please allow me to introduce two competitors,the first one is ……Our rich ,handsome,clever ~~~~KING.(好的,首先请允许我介绍两位嘉宾,首先是我们事业有成滴…貌比潘安滴…..学富五车的~~~ KING) KING:Hello,everybody! I was the most handsome man in the world,Vote for me !I will give you money!!(大家好!我就是世上最帅的美男子。给我投一票,我就给你钱。) Who is the president of America? LEE:Hahaha,how could you be so stupid!Obama.The answer is Obama.(哈哈哈,你怎么这么笨!!奥巴马。答案是奥巴马。) 主持:Yes ,you are right. That’s the answer.Ok, In this round, the winner isLEE.(回答正确。就是这样,好的,在这一回合中获胜者是LEE。) LEE:Hahaha,knowledge is power!(哈哈哈,知识就是力量!) KING:切…… Where does afternoon always come before morning in the world? How could you guys ensure me be happy in the future? * * Long long ago .There was a beautiful girl.So beautiful,so beautiful . Just like an angel.And her name is angela ,she is 19 years old,everyone in this town likes her. but she never made up her mind to fall in love with someone until sth happened…… LEE:My name is LEE,I am a writer.I’ve read a lot of books ,newspapers,and magazines,So I always think knowledge is power.(我的名字是LEE,我是一位作家。我读过很多书,新闻还有杂志,因此我总是认为知识就是力量) KING:My name is KING.I am a rich gentleman,very very rich, I have big money…hahahhah.,If you have money then everyone will listen to you .hahahaha,Am I right? (我叫KING,我是一个有钱的绅士,老有钱了。不差钱。哈哈哈哈,你要是有钱谁都会听你的,哈哈对不对?) A,B侍从:Yes !My lord!You are the boss!(对,主子。您就是老大。) Angela: Though I have beautiful apperance,but I always feel lonely could I find the one ???尽管我有美丽的外表,可我总是感到孤独,怎样才能找到我的那个他呢?) LEE,KING:Wow!Angela!Beatiful Angela!(哇,是Angela,美丽的Angela!)    KING:Angela! My sweetheart! I got a big red rose to you……Rich means romantic!(Angela!甜



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