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SEMI CONDUCTOR OPTOELECTRONI CS Vol. 28 No. 4 Aug. 2007 InP/ InGaAs 1 1 1 1 2 冯士维 , 王承栋 , 杨 集 , 张弓长 , 卢毅成 ( 1. , 100022 ; 2 . Rutgers , 08854) : 对于正面光入射的 InP/ InGaAs 探测器, 入射光会在空气增透膜InP 盖层和 InGaA s 层之间发生多次反射为了研 其对光响应度的影响, 我们测量发现: 探测器的光响应度 会随探测波长出现非平坦的峰谷曲线, 并且通过对该曲线上峰谷波长的简单数学处理, 可以提取出 已封装器件的结构参数和材料参数, 而且这些参数与实验曲线符合得很好利用该方法可以简单 方便地提取出已封装器件的实际结构参数和材料参数 : ; ; ; : T N364.2 : A : 1001- 5868(2007) 04- 0464- 03 Study on the Photo Respons v ty of InP/ InGaAs Detector w th the Wavelengths 1 1 1 1 2 FENG Sh-i ei , WANG Cheng-dong , YANG Ji , ZHANG Gong-chang , LU Y-i cheng ( 1. School of Electron c Inf ormat on Control Eng neer ng, Be j ng Un vers ty of Technology, Be j ng 100022 , CHN; 2. Department of Electron c Eng neer ng Computer, Rutgers Un vers ty , New Jersey 08854 , U SA) Abstract: In a front-illuminated InP/ InGaAs detector, there are mult-i layer reflections of incident light among the air,reflection reducing coating, InP capping layer and InGaAs layer.After performing experiments for analyzing its effect on the photo responsivity, e found that the photo responsivity of InP/ InGaAs detector ith avelengths sho ed a non-flat curve. And by mathematical treatment for the peaks and valleys of the curve, e can extract the packaged device parameters that fit the experimental curve better and these parameters can match the experimental curve more closely. By this ay, e can extract a packaged devices true structure parameters and material parameters simply and accurately. Key words: detector; photo responsivity; mult-i layer reflection; regression 1


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