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练口语,记单词?(四级)A: You’re going to abandon me, just like that? B: I’m sorry, but I’ve got an important job to do. abandon vt. 1.离弃,丢弃;2.遗弃,抛弃;3.放弃 abandon oneself to 沉溺于 with abandon 1.放任地,放纵地;2.纵情地 A: I think it’s important that all people have the ability to read. B: I agree with you, but that’s easier said than done. ability n. 1.能力,本领;2.才能,才智 to the best of one’s ability 尽自己最大努力 A: How many passengers are there aboard the ship? B: Seventy-six, I think. aboard prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车) ad. 在船(或飞机、车)上,上船(或飞机、车) A: Are you planning on studying abroad? B: I’d like to, but I’m not sure if I’ll have enough money. abroad ad. 1.到国外,在国外;2.在传播,在流传 A: I noticed your absence in class this morning. B: I’m sorry, I overslept. absence n. 1.缺席,不在;2.缺席的时间,外出期;3.缺乏,不存在 A: I can’t believe the boss was absent from today’s meeting. B: Neither can I . absent a. 1.缺席的,不在场的;2.缺乏的,不存在的;3.心不在焉的,出神的 A: We have absolute proof that you committed the crime. B: That’s absolutely ridiculous! absolute a. 1.十足的,道地的;2.绝对的,完全的;3.不受任何限制(或约束)的 A: This paper absorbs water so quickly! B: Yes, it’s great for cleaning up spills. absorb vt. 1.吸收;2.吸引…的注意,使全神贯注;3.把…并入,同化 A: Why aren’t you doing well in the class? B: The material is so abstract that I have trouble understanding it. abstract a. 1.抽象的;2.抽象派的 n. 1.摘要,梗概;2.抽象派艺术作品 vt. 1.做…的摘要;2.提取,抽取 in the abstract 抽象地,在理论上 A: Labor is an abundant resource here. B: One of many abundant resources, I’d like to point out. abundant a. 1.大量的,充足的;2.(in)丰富的,富裕的 A: I hate to see the abuse of animals. B: It makes me sick. abuse n. 1.滥用,妄用; 2.虐待,伤害; 3.辱骂,毁谤 vt. 1.滥用,妄用; 2.虐待,伤害; 3.辱骂,毁谤 A: I really dislike reading academic books. B: That may be so, but reading them is an important way to expand your knowledge. academic a. 1.学校的,学院的;2.学术的;3.纯理论的,不切实际的 n. 大学教师 A: The academy is an important part of the education system. B: I couldn’t agree with you more. academy n. 1.研究院,学会;2.(中等以上)专门学校 A: Look how fast that car can accelerate! B: I’ve never seen anything like


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