机械工程材料ch03-Phase equilibrium and phase diagrams.pdf

机械工程材料ch03-Phase equilibrium and phase diagrams.pdf

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机械工程材料ch03-Phase equilibrium and phase diagrams

Mechanical Engineering Materials (Bilingual Course) Chapter Three Outline  Crystallization process of pure metals  Phase diagram of two component system  Fe-C phase diagram Introduction The state of material is a function of both composition and temperature. Phase . Phase diagram can give: 1. The relationships between component, phase, and temperature. 2. Some hints of transformation when temperature changes. 3. Conjecture microstructure at different temperature and possible properties and characters. 4. Provides valuable information about melting, casting, crystallization and other phenomena. Introduction Phase :a region that differs in its state, microstructure, and /or composition from another region., which are also called equilibrium transformation diagram as gotten in slowly heating or cooling condition. Phase maybe defined as a homogeneous portion of a system that has uniform physical and chemical characteristics. Component: means pure element or compound, which can exist stably and independently in system. Some Concepts 凝 固 和 结 晶 : 从 液 相 转 变 为 固 相 的 过 程 称 为 凝 固 (solidification) 。 若 凝 固 后 的 产 物 为 晶 体 称 为 结 晶 (crystallization) 。 合金 ( alloy ):由两种或两种以上的金属、或金属与非金属,经 熔炼、烧结或其他方法组合而成并具有金属特性的物质。 相 (phase ):合金中结构相同、成分和性能均一并以界面分 开的组成部分。 相变 :从一种相转变为另一种相的过程称为相变 (phase transformation )。 固态相变:若转变前后均为固相 ,则成为固态相变 (solid phase transformation )。 Some Concepts 相图(phase diagram):表示合金系中合金的状态与温度、成分 之间的关系的图形,又称为平衡图或状态图。 合金系 (alloy system ):由给定的组元可以以不同比例配制 成一系列成分不同的合金,这一系列合金就构成一个合金系 统。二 (三、多)元系。 组元 (component ):组成合金的最基本、独立的物质。可以 是单一元素也可以是稳定的化合物。 显微组织 ( microscopic structure ):用肉眼或借助于不同放大倍 数的显微镜所观察到的金属内部的情景 Classification of Phase in Alloy  固溶体(solid solu


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