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offer,to,resign,提出辞职 篇一:即使辞职不干也要注意礼仪 即使辞职不干也要注意礼仪 How Many Ways Can You Say Goodbye to a Job? 有多少种方式可以和当前工作说“拜拜”? As talk of a thaw in hiring freezes rises above a whisper, many people are already planning to look for a new position when the job market picks up. 随着关于招聘市场解冻的传言渐起,许多人都琢磨着要在就业市场回暖时找份新工作。 Some 60% of workers say intend to leave their jobs when the economy approves, according to a survey by Right Management, a talent and career-management consulting firm in Philadelphia. It might be tempting to give the boss an earful if you land a new job in the coming months. But the way you quit can have a long term impact on your career. How to resign on good terms: 在接受费城职业管理咨询公司Right Management调查的美国雇员中,约有六成的人说希望在经济好转后辞去现有工作。假如未来几个月你能找到下家,那么在临别前你可能颇有那么点想向老板甩上几句狠话。不过,你离职的方式有可能给你的职业生涯带来长期影响。以下是几种恰当的职场“分手”礼仪: -Be prepared. Review your employee handbook or employment contract before announcing your decision, so you know what company policy is regarding resignations, severance, the return of company property and pay for unused vacation time. Also, find out the company#39;s reference policy to see what information will be disclosed to a prospective employer. If you have another job lined up, be sure to have your offer in writing before you resign. -有备而来。在宣布离职决定之前,看看自己的员工手册或劳动合同,这样你会了解公司在辞职、解约、返还公司财物以及未休假补薪等方面有什么政策。此外,阅读一下公司的参考政策条例,了解你的哪些信息将可能披露给未来的雇主。如果你已经找到了新的工作,确保在递交辞呈之前已是聘书在手。 -Use it or lose it. If you haven#39;t used vacation time and will lose it if you quit, you might want to use your time before leaving or link it to your resignation date. States like California consider accrued vacation time to be part of wages and must be paid upon resignation or termination says employment attorney Michael J. Goldfarb, president of Northridge Calif.-based Holman HR. But if you don#39;t want to burn any bridges, don#39;t take vacation and announce your departure just after you return. -休还是不休?如果你还有假期未休,而且在辞职后也将清零的话,你或许想要在离职前把它们休完或基于它考虑自己的离职日期。加州北岭职业顾问公司 Holman HR总裁、雇佣


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