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152 V l. 15 N . 2 2000 6 J urnal f Data Acquisit i n Pr cessing Jun. 2000 DSP X 徐龙祥 朱火晃秋 曾学明 刘正埙 ( , 2 10016) 研究了混合磁悬浮轴承系统( HM B) 的工作原理及其控制器, 讨论了以定点数字信号 理器 T M S320C25 为核心的数字控制硬件系统的构成以及A/ D, D/ A 等外围电路的设计。控制方法采 用抗积分饱和与微分突变的PID 控制规律, 并用汇编语言编制了相应的数控软件。和传统的磁悬 浮轴承相比, 这种轴承可以显著减小控制系统的功耗和体积, 在航空领域具有广阔的应用前景。用 自主研制的数字控制软件和硬件系统实现了对混合磁悬浮轴承的控制。实验表明, 以 320 25 T MS C 为核心的数字控制硬件系统不仅能够满足高速磁悬浮轴承控制器的要求, 而且易于实现各种先进 的控制策略。 : 混合磁悬浮轴承; 数字控制器; 硬件; 软件; 数字信号 理器 : T P703. 3 Design and Realization of Digital Controll er of HMB Based on DSP X u L ongx iang Zh u H uang qiu Zeng X ueming L iu Zhengx un Department f Mechanical Engineering , Nanjing University f Aer nautics A str nauticsNanjing , 2 10016 Abstract The w rking principle and the structure f a hybrid magnetic bearing ( HM B) are investigated. T he hardw are f a digital c ntr ller system based n a 320 25, / / fix ed p ind digital singal pr cess r T MS C as w ell as an A D and D A c n- verter is presented. A PID pr gram is devel ped n T M S320C25 in the assemble language. T his kind f magnetic bearing is much better than the tradi nal magnetic bearing because f its lightw eight and l w p w er c nsumpti n, w hich has a w ide . applicati n in aviati n field It realizes the c ntr l f the HMB system by means f the s ftware and the har dw are devel ped by us. T he experiment sh w s that the har dw are based n TM S320C25 can meet the re


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