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石河子大学 信息科学与技术学院毕业论文 课题名称: 《程序设计基础》在线教育系统 摘 要 本次毕业设计实现的是《程序设计基础》在线教育系统。该系统基于B/S模式,采用MVC框架三层体系结构,采用JSP 、 Servlet 、 JDBCMyEclipse进行了具体的编程实现。本系统分为前台在线学习子系统,包括在线测试、在线学习、资源下载、作业提交、答疑解惑等模块;后台管理子系统,包括用户信息管理、课件资源管理、新闻公告管理、作业批改管理、在线测试管理、留言板管理等模块。系统有管理员、学生、教师和访客四类角色。本系统的使用,可以使JSP;在线测试;在线学习;作业提交 ABSTRACT This graduation design implements the online education system. The system is based on B/S model, by using MVC framework of three layer structure, adopting the JSP, Servlet, JDBC techniques to develop and implement. We first analyze the performance and function of the system, getting the systems overall function framework; And then do the general design and detailed design ,at the same time we complete the database analysis and design; Finally we use the todays popular program development integration tools MyEclipse to realize the concrete programming. This system is divided into the front desk online learning subsystem, including online testing, online learning, resource downloading, submitting assignments and unriddling;The background management subsystem, including user information management, courseware resource management, news bulletin management, homework management, online testing management and message board management.The system has four kinds of roles, administrator, student, teacher and visitor. Through using this system, we can make the traditional classroom teaching get well extend, providing the students’ afterclass learning and the teachers’ teaching and the communication between each other with a good platform. KEY WORDS: Online education; JSP; Online testing; Online learning; Submit assignments 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 题目 1 1.2 课题背景 1 1.3 课题研究目的及意义 1 1.3.1 研究目的 1 1.3.2 研究意义 2 1.4 设计时间 2 1.5 课题内容及分工 2 1.5.1 课题内容 2 1.5.2 课题分工 2 1.5.3 设计成果 2 2 相关技术原理及开发环境 3 2.1 相关技术原理 3 2.1.1 Browser/Server系统的三层体系结构 3 2.1.2 Java Server Page(JSP)技术 4 2.1.3 JDBC技术 5 2.2 开发环境 6 2.2.1 系统硬件环境 6 2.2.2 系统开发工具 6 3 需求分析 7 3.1 引言 7 3.2 可行性分析 7 3.2.1 技术可行性 7 3.2.2 经济可行性 7 3.2.3 操作可行性 7 3.3 功能需求


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