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DOI :10.13741/ki .11 -1879/o4.2009.03.031 353 Vol.35 No.3 2 0 0 9 5                OPTICAL TECHNIQUE               May  2009 :1002-1582(2009)03-0334-04    人眼对比度敏感视觉特性及模型研究 1 2 2 1 2 姚军财, 石俊生, 杨卫平 , 申静, 黄小乔 (1. ,  723003;2.,  6500921)  :、、, , , 。 , CRT , , CSF 。 , 。 :;;;; :O432.2;TP334   :A Research of contrast sensitivity characteristics and model of human vision system 1 2 2 1 2 YAO Jun-cai , SHI Jun-sheng , YANG Wei-ping , SHEN Jing , HUANG Xiao-qiao (1.S anxi University of Tec nology, Hanz ong  723003, C ina) (2.Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650092, C ina) Abstract:T e c aracteristics of uman vision system (HVS)are t e basis for image tec nology of displaying, processing and understanding.Studying t e visual c aracteristics t roug experimental test and t eoretical analysis to cause t e visual c ar- acteristics simulation promotes t e development and application of p otoelectricity imagery tec nology.In t is measurement, goal gratings are displayed on CRT monitor.Contrast sensitivity to luminance gratings wit t ree kinds of average brig tness under t e dark environment is measured.According to t e experience of former fitting CSFs and distilling mat ematical model t eoretically, CSFs of t ree kinds of average brig tness are fitted and a new CSF mat ematical model are put forward wit t e exponential form of t e linear modulation function.Comparing t e results wit ones fitted by Nadenau, it s ow s t at t is model of uman vision sensitivity c aracteristics is better. Key words:uman vision system;con


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