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33( 2002 ) 5 V l. 33 N . 5 Architecture Techn l gy 369 GB 50205- 2001 路克宽 侯兆欣 : GB50205- 2001; ; , , : ; ; ; ; : TU 391 :A : 1000- 4726( 2002) 05- 0369- 07 BRIEF INTERPRETATION OF TEST STANDARD F OR ACCEP TANCE OF STEEL STR UCTURE , GB50205- 2001 LU Kekuan HOU Zhaoxin Abstract: This paper presented c mpiling principle and c ntents f Test Standard f or Accep tance of Steel Structure , GB50205- 2001; briefed the back r und f main clauses and inter retati n there f, uttin f rward g p p g r sals such as steel ualit im r vement, steel ass rtment increasin , s ecific research, techn l inf rmati n p p q y p g p gy exchan e, s ecialized techn l educati n, c m etence im r vement f r fessi nals in the trade and market g p gy p p p administrati n strengthening as well. Ke words: buildin c nstructi n; steel structure; c nstructi n ualit ; c de f r acce tance; hi h y g q y p g stren th b lt g 1 , , 1995 GB : : 50205- 95 , GB 50221- 95 , , , , , , , , , , , GB 50300- 2001 , , , [ 2001] 87 , , , , GB : , 50205- 2001 ( ) , , 15 , , , , 2002 3 ,


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