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PHC* 1, 3 2 1 2 曾庆响 梁焕华 肖芝兰 李法尧 ( 1. , 529020; 2. , 529000; 3. , 510640) : (PHC) PHC B 50010) 200256 PHC , PHC , PHC, PHC , PHC : PHC; ; ; CALCULATION METHODS OF CRACK ING M OMENT AND ULTIMATE FAILURE M OMENT OF PRE STRE SSED H IGH STRENGTH CONCRETE PIPE PILES 1, 3 2 1 2 ZengQingxiang LiangHuanhua Xiao Zhilan LiFayao ( 1. Department ofCivilEngineering, WuyiUniversity, Jiangmen 529020, China; 2. P ileFoundation Subsidiary of uangdongNo. 7 Construction roup Ltd, Jiangmen 529020, China; 3. StateKeyLaboratory ofSubtropicalBuildingScience, South ChinaUniversity ofTechnology, uangzhou 510640, China) Ab stract: F lexural behavior is one of the most mi portant qualifying index of prestressed high strength concrete (PHC) pipepile. The calculation methods of cracking moment and ultmi ate failuremoment ofPHC pipe piles are based on the approaches in theCode for Design of Concrete Structures ( B 50010) 2002) at present. In fact, the concrete strength grade of PHC pipe piles are beyond the adaptable scope of the B 50010) 2002 Code. The approaches in the code for estmi ating the crackingmoments and ultmi ate failuremoments ofPHC pipe piles can not wellmatch the actual bearing capacities. In this paper, combining with the analysis of the flexural expermi ental results and the behavior ofcentrifugalshaped producingmethod ofPHC pipe piles, new approaches for calculating the crackingmoment and ultmi ate failuremoment ofPHC pipe piles are proposed based on the present methods in the code. Comparing analysis sh


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