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超声声速的测定探究 姓名:李扬 班级:机械2班 学号:100104221 摘要:由于超声波的波长短,超声波射线可以和光线一样,能够反射、折射,也能聚焦,而且.遵守几何光学上的定律。声波在各种物质中传播时,随着传播距离的增加,强度会渐进减弱,这是因为物质要吸收掉它的能量。对于同一物质,声波的频率越高,吸收越强。超声波所以往各个工业部门中有广泛的应用,主要之点 还在于比声波具有强大得多的功率。为什么有强大的功率呢?因为当声波到达某一物资中时,由于声波的作用使物质中的分子也跟着振动,振动的频率和声波频率—样,分子振动的频率决定了分子振动的速度。频率愈高速度愈大。物资分子由于振动所获得的能量除了与分子的质量有关外,是由分子 的振动速度的平方决定的,所以如果声波的频率愈高,也就是物质分子愈能得到更高的能量、超声波的频率比声波可以高很多,所以它可以使物资分子获得很大的能量;换句话说,超声波本身可以供给物质足够大的功率。 Title:Ultrasonic velocity measuring probeAbstract: due to the length of the ultrasonic waves, ultrasonic rays and light reflection, refraction, can, can also be focused, and comply with the laws of geometrical optics. Acoustic wave propagation in a variety of substances, with the increase of propagation distance, the intensity will gradually weaken, this is because the material to absorb its energy. For the same material, the higher the frequency of sound waves, the stronger the absorption. Ultrasonic so to various industrial sectors in a wide range of applications, the main point is much more powerful than the acoustic wave has the power. Why there is strong power? Because when sound waves reach a certain materials, due to the effect of sound wave so that the elements in the material also with the vibration, vibration frequency and acoustic frequency, molecular vibration frequency determines the molecular vibration speed. The higher frequency velocity increases. Material molecules due to the vibration of the energy gained except with molecular quality related, was made by molecular vibration velocity squared decision, so if the wave frequency is higher, more molecules can get higher energy, ultrasonic frequency than sound waves can be much higher, so it can make the material molecules obtained great energy; in other words, ultrasonic itself can supply enough power material. Keyword:Time difference method, universality, another choice, different media 引言:在学习了,大学物理实验对声速的测定试验后,我在网上学习了解发现了另一种在实验室不曾用到的方法时差法,这种方法的实用性更高,也具有更高的普遍性,所以我对他进行了进一步研究。 内容: 时差法测量原理 连续波经脉冲调制后由发射换


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