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高能聚焦超音波治療攝護腺腫瘤熱分析 Thermal Analysis of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Prostate Tumor 溫超東1 沈鈺翔2 Chudong Wen Yu-Shiang Shen 1中華科技大學機械系副教授 2中華科技大學機電光研究所研究生 China University of Science and Technology 本研究在於以COMSOL的暫態熱傳導模組分析高能聚焦超音波治療攝護腺腫瘤時的溫度分布,聚焦超音波的功率為37.8 W,焦距為40 mm,焦點的直徑設為1.8 mm,焦點的單位體積能量吸收密度為1.2 x 108 W/m3,治療時以每次作用3秒、暫停6秒為一完整脈衝,再對另一點進行HIFU脈衝。分析結果顯示在HIFU作用的3秒內,焦點的溫度從37℃升高至約95℃,中間部份有效熱治療的高度可達30 mm,在邊界部份因散熱較易,故有效範圍較中間部份小,因此進行熱治療時對於邊界部份,HIFU治療的參數可能需要改變。 關鍵字:高能聚焦超音波,攝護腺腫瘤,生物熱傳,移動邊界,熱治療 Abstract The temperature distribution of the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) therapy for prostate tumor is calculated by the Transient Conduction Model of COMSOL Multiphysics. The power of the HIFU is 37.8 W, the focal distance is 40 mm, and the focal point diameter is 1.8 mm. The volumetric specific absorption rate at the focal point is assumed to be 1.2 x 10 8 W/m3. During treatment, the HIFU transducer is power on 3 seconds and then power off 6 seconds for moving to the next position. The analysis shows that after 3 seconds of HIFU treatment, the temperature of the tumor tissue at the focal point is raised to about 95℃. At the center of the tumor, the effective treatment is more than 30 mm in length. At the boundary areas of the tumor, due to the large heat dissipation, the effective treatment area is smaller than that in the center area. Therefore it is suggested that the HIFU treatment parameters for the tumor boundary areas needs to be modified. Keywords: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, HIFU, Prostate Tumor, Bioheat Transfer, Moving Boundary, Thermal Therapy 一、研究背景 超音波由於具有許多醫療方面的功能,例如影像顯示、復健和熱治療,因此一直都是熱門的研究主題,其中以高能聚焦超音波(High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, HIFU)的應用[1],例如肝腫瘤、乳癌、子宮肌腺瘤、大量內出血和攝護腺腫瘤[2-5]的熱治療技術等更為研究的焦點。使用HIFU最大的好處在於它的幾無侵入性[4],因此病患在接受腫瘤移除時,不必以侵入性的開刀即可完成,病患可以快速復元,對於緊急的內出血也僅需要幾秒鐘即可止血。 對於使用HIFU的重要關鍵為熱劑量(Thermal Dose) [6]是否適當,熱劑量的控制包括HIFU的功率、作用時間和作用的位置。目前最為廣泛使用的方法為使用磁振造影(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)觀察HIFU作用焦點及作用範圍的溫度[7],以控制熱劑量,此方法又



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