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Visitor: supporting documents guide 访问者: 支持材料指南 This guidance explains the documents you may need to provide in support of your application to visit the UK. 该指南向您说明支持赴英签证申请可能需要提交的材料。 All documents must be originals and not photocopies. Submission of these documents does not guarantee that your application will be successful and you should bear this in mind when making any bookings. 所有的材料必须为原件而不是复印件。提交这些材料并不能确保成功获得签证。预定机票酒店时 请记住这一点。 If you submit a document that is not in English or Welsh, it must be accompanied by a full translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office. Each translated document must contain: 如果您提交非英文或威尔士文材料,则必须提供可以由内政部独立核查的翻译件。每份翻译件必 须包含:  confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the original document 译者确认是对原始文件的正确翻译  the date of the translation 翻译日期  the translators full name and signature 译者的全名和签名  the translators contact details 译者的联络方式  Structure of this guidance 指南目录 Section 1 documents you must provide with all visit applications 第一部分所有访问类申请都必须提交的材料 Section 2 suggested documents that you might want to provide in order to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of Appendix V: Immigration Rules for Visitors. 第二部分为证明您符合附录V :适用于访问者的移民法规相关规定而建议提交的材料 Section 3 additional documents for specific types of visitor: 第三部分适用于特定类别访问者的额外材料 academics coming to undertake research (12 month visa) 从事研究的学者(12 个月的签证) family accompanying academic coming to undertake research (12 month visa) 从事研究的学者的随行家属(12 个月的签证) private medical treatment 接受私人医疗 organ donors 器官捐赠者 prospective Entrepreneur 未来企业家 work related training 工作相关培训 performers at permit free festivals 参加不需要特定工作许可的庆典的演艺人员 Approved Destination Scheme 指定目的地旅行计划 Permitted paid engagements 允许从事的有偿活动 visitor (marriage/Civil partnership) 访客(结婚/ 同性伴侣注册) transit 过境 Section 4 documents that you should not send in support of your application 第四部分不需要和申请一起递交的材料 Section 1: documents you mu


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