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English Writing Course Lecturer: Wang Xia Sentence expanding Review--parallelism The Bible is rich with language urging us to wait. If you want to impressed, note how often God’s people seem to be waiting. Noah waits for the flood waters to recede; Daniel waits through the night in a den of lions; Sarah waits in her barrenness for a child; Jacob waits for Rebecca’s hand. The Israelites wait in Egypt, then wait forty more years in the desert. Later they wait seventy years in Babylonian captivity. Jonah waits in a fish’s belly; Mary waits; Simeon waits to see the Messiah; the apostles wait for Pentecost; Paul waits in prison. 附图:提香的《亚当与夏娃》(藏于马德里的Prado) 米开朗基罗绘于西斯廷礼拜堂的《大洪水》: 德拉克洛瓦的《雅各与天使角力》(藏于巴黎的Saint-Sulpice): 米开朗基罗的摩西雕塑(位于罗马斗兽场附近的San Pietro in Vincoli) Charles de la Fosse的《摩西被发现》(藏于卢浮宫) Luca Signorelli绘于梵蒂冈西斯廷礼拜堂的《摩西的遗训和去世》 Sarah 亚伯拉罕、撒莱与使女夏甲(Hagar) Jonah Subordination 从属法-- Sentence Expanding The definition of subordination b. Ways of subordination The definition of subordination Subordination 从属法 把两个意思有联系但并不同等重要的简单句用某种手段连接起来,使其中一个句子从属于另一个句子,从而构成一个复合句。我们把这一扩展句子的方法称为从属法。从属法可以更准确地表达作者的意图,使句子的表达形式多样化。 Ways of subordination 从属法扩句主要有三种方式:用副词/状语从句(adverb/adverbial clause)扩展,用形容词从句(adjective clause)扩展, 用名词性从句(noun clause)扩展。 I. Expanding with adverb/adverbial clause 用副词从句/状语从句扩展 ii. Expanding with adjective clause 用形容词从句扩展 iii. Expanding with noun clause 用名词从句扩展 I. Expanding with adverb/adverbial clause Time 2. Place 3. Cause 4. Purpose 5. Result 6.Manner 7.Comparison 8.Concession 9.condition 1. as, after, as soon as, before, once, since, until, when, whenever, while 2. where, wherever, anywhere 3. as, because, since 4. in order that, so that, 5. that, so…(that), with the result that… 6. as, as if, as though, how, the way 7. than, as…as… , not so(as)….as 8. although, though, even if/though, lest, in spite of the fact 9. as (so)long as, if, provided, unless, suppose, in case(that) Exercise A: 现在生意竞争激烈,所以我们得提高效率。 Business is so competitive


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