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2013新作文:“有所为”“有所不为” New writing in 2013: what is done is what is done. Read the following words and ask for your composition. A person should do things in principle, some things to do, some things not to do. Do and dont do it, see if it fits your principles. Adhere to the principle, should do not hesitate, should not do the resolute not do, have a thing to do not to be is the true picture of this sentence. Please write an article, no less than 800 words, for the title of doing something or not for what. The behavior Shunde district music from high school (21) class: huang jian jian Advisor: huang wei hua For thousands of years of cooking, cao cao was a hero; The hero, who is ambitious, has good ideas, and has a machine for hiding the universe, and devouring the volunteers of the earth. And I believe that the people of the state of fu, who are the people of the world, are concerned about the sufferings of the world and the people of the state. Over the centuries, the Chinese nation has come all the way. There have been tears, mistakes, and a more ironclad ambition, and China is more able to judge by maturity and reason: what is wrong and what is done. Reform and opening up sound the trumpet, the socialist system is superior, protect the three farmers, promote peoples livelihood, and focus on the disadvantaged... China has done something. The 1.3 billion people are living on the 9.6 million square meters of land, and there are still many people who have never been looked at, and have never been known. Our country has the worlds largest migrant workers, however, with the bulk of their family in the free edge of the city, the high cost of living, a strict household registration system and cold identity discrimination, poignant displaced by the gap between the rich and the poor get their heart. Of governing the country and peoples livelihood issues as this, more than 30 years, Chinas leaders have deep public supply, using huimin policy, Chinas mother is his mercy gave b


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