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《诊断学》期考试题 The hundred color city national wei school is in the next semester of 2013-2014 The exam for diagnostics Class name, class Single choice question (2 points per problem) 1, the temperature is continuous in 39 ~ 40 ℃ above, several days or weeks, within 24 h fluctuation is less than 1 ℃, call it A, the auditing is hot B, zhang chi hot C, return heat D, intermittent hot E, wave heat The most important feature of severe inhalation breathing difficulties A, the sitting breath B, the apparent cyanosis C, the occurrence trident D, nose flap E, breath frequency, rhythm, depth change The following are inaccurate descriptions of cardiogenic breathing difficulties A, when fatigue occurs or severe B, sleep is alleviated or alleviated C, the onset can have a cyanosis D, severe cough pink bubble phlegm E, respite or relief Haemoptysis is the amount of haemoptysis of 24h A, 100mL above B, 200mL above C, 500mL D, 800 ml above E, 1000 ml above The most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is A, peptic ulcer B, esophagus, and the vein of the stomach C, acute gastric mucosal lesions D, biliary hemorrhage E, stomach cancer The whole body jaundice, the excrement is white pottery and earthy color, can be seen A, pancreatic head cancer B, hemolytic anemia C, leptospirosis D, cirrhosis E, severe hepatitis Patient, male, 15 years old. In the first year of diabetes, a cold fever took place three days ago, and the appetite went down and the insulin was stopped. One day of nausea and vomiting, the body of the body: sleep state, the call to wake up, soon to fall asleep, and when awake, the answer is vague, the patient is aware of the disorder A, coma B, lethargy C, consciousness disorder D, unconscious disorder E, conscious ambiguity The most likely diagnosis is a man, 60 years old, who has a severe pain after a sudden chest bone, a persistent asphyxiation, a sweaty, pale, nauseous, vomiting A, myocardial infarction B, pulmonary infarction C, intercostal nerve pain D, diap



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