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临床理论综合测试试题(七) Clinical theory comprehensive test question (7) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A1 problem (best choice question -- affirmative.) Each of these questions has A, B, C, D, and E, and the answer is in the form of affirmative statements Answer the question only by selecting one of the five candidates for the correct answer Draw a black and bold line in the corresponding letter of the corresponding inscription. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- An 18 year old male patient who has been drinking, drinking, eating more, losing 5kg, and fasting blood sugar 13 in the past month Mmol/L (230mg/dl), serum islet cell antibody positive. The best treatment for this patient should be A. diet control B. long-term oral sulfonylurea C. Sugar and metformin D. Insulin injections once a day E. Diet and insulin intensive therapy Green -- the following most characteristic of barlies syndrome is A. at the end B. quadriplegic paralysis C. the tendon reflex disappears D. nerve root pain E. Cerebrospinal fluid protein -- cell separation 22 years old, women, farmers, repeated abscesses for half a year, left lower abdominal pain, colonoscopy to see 30cm intestinal mucosa congestion, Edema, appearance of granule, easy hemorrhage, which treatment should be preferred? A B. dexamethasone C. gentamicin oral A. atropine E. surgery Male 60 years old, two years of intense labor intensity is palpitate, chest is depressed, rest or reduce activity intensity hind can alleviate. check Blood pressure 16/10.7 kPa (120/80mmhg), heart rate 80 times/min, neat, no noise. the For primary diagnosis, check first: A. the chest X-ray b.echocardiogram C. regular ecg D. Electrocardiogram E. Load ecg 5. Male, 25, 400 blood transfusion ml7 days suddenly chills, fever, 41 ℃, 4 hours after kubla khah dripping wet, hot flash back, every day When the attack. When sepsis is treated for five days with ampicillin, which of the following is the best treatment? A. chloroquine standard 10 t



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