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俄语字母表 Б (a) А а б (bai) В kind guide (wai) Г f (gai) Д д (dai) Е е (ye) Ё ё (yao) Ж ж (rai) З з (zai-shallow pits) И и (yi ~) Й й (yi) К seem (ka) Л л (eli) М м (em) Н н (en) О о (ou) П п (pai) Р р (el retroflex) С с (es) Т т (tai) У (wu) Ф ф (ef) Х х (ha) Ц ц (CAI) Ч discusses some related problems (qie) Ш ш (sha) Щ щ (shxia) are Ы ы (ei) ь Э э (ai) Ю ю (you) Я second (ya) ????? No Russian can also learn to sing Russian songs -- just learn the Russian alphabet and read the letters in the Russian word in order -- with more than 95 percent accuracy. How to recognize Russian letters? If the teacher face to face teaching by holding the best, of course, it doesnt matter but no teacher, with a box - with their English letters or Chinese pinyin and Russian letters. Please see below: А а (a) А а?? Vowels??? Chinese pinyin a Б б (bai) Б б?? Voiced consonant?? The pronunciation of the Chinese pinyin b is heavier В kind guide (wai) В kind guide?? Voiced consonant?? The English letter, V? Note that you cant make U in Chinese Г f (gai) Г f?? Voiced consonant?? The Chinese phonetic g has a higher voice Д д (dai) Д д?? Voiced consonant?? The pronunciation of the Chinese pinyin d is heavier Е е (ye) Е е?? Vowels??? Chinese pinyin ye, or Chinese character also Ё ё (yao) Ё ё?? Vowels??? The Chinese pinyin yo, which is between the Chinese character spoon and the covenant, lips pursed Ж ж (rai) Ж ж?? Voiced consonant?? Approximate Chinese character day, but the difference is bigger, the tongue is not curly, the vocal cords want to vibrate and have the intense friction sound З з (zai-shallow pits) З з?? Voiced consonant? The English letter z, notice, is completely different from the Chinese version of z И и (yi ~) И и?? Vowels??? For Chinese pinyin I Й й (yi) Й й?? Voiced consonant? Sounds a bit like И, so called short И sometimes, but it is a consonant, fricatives, pronunciation is very short К seem (ka) К seem?? Qing consonants?? Corresponding hanyu pinyin k, note that the pronuncia


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